Lyrasis Becomes an ORCID Member to Support Open Research Best Practices August 1, 2024By LyrasisLyrasis, ORCID US
Northwestern University ORCID Adoption and Utilization June 20, 2024By LyrasisORCID US, Products & Partnerships
Lyrasis Partners with 4Science to Improve ORCID Functionality in DSpace June 14, 2024By LyrasisORCID US, Products & Partnerships
ORCID in Funding Workflows (featuring the American Heart Association and the Melanoma Research Alliance) April 22, 2024By LyrasisLyrasis, ORCID US
How Persistent Identifiers Work Together in the Research Ecosystem February 19, 2024By LyrasisDataCite US Community, Lyrasis, ORCID US
University of Georgia Uses Affiliation Manager to Generate ORCID iD Adoption Amongst Graduate Students December 11, 2023By Kaela RamhitORCID US
Streamlining Research Information Management with ORCID & Pure at RTI International (Research Triangle Institute) September 22, 2022By LyrasisORCID US
MIT’s PhysioNet Platform Uses Trust Markers in ORCID Records to Streamline Data Access Credentials June 28, 2022By LyrasisORCID US
Integrating NASA Astrophysics Data System (NASA ADS) with ORCID April 5, 2022By Paolo GujildeORCID US
ORCID & the University of Arizona Institutional Knowledge Map (KMap) January 11, 2022By LyrasisORCID US