The ORCID US Community is closing out our 5th year and we’re still growing strong, with plenty of exciting updates and important information from across the community below. Past newsletters can be found in the ORCID US Community Blog. To contribute to future newsletters, please email Stay well!
Community Snapshot
- Member institutions = 185 (As of December 1, 2022)
- ORCID API system integrations = 279 integrations across 184 member institutions, through which:
- 327,295 ORCID iDs have been connected with member organizations
- 59,995 ORCID records have been updated with:
- 30,539 affiliations
- 1,416,848 works
- 2,823 funding entries
- 8,732 person identifiers
- 4,157 websites
- ORCID US Community discussion forum = 472 participants
- @USconsortium on Twitter = 532 followers
ORCID US Community 2022 Member Survey
If you have not already, please take 5-10 minutes to complete our annual end-of-year member survey. The survey deadline is Dec. 31, 2022. We will use responses from the survey to plan our community activities for 2023, so please make sure that your organization is represented so we can make sure your needs are met.
ORCID US Community 2022 Member Meeting
Our annual member meeting took place on December 6, featuring updates on our ORCID Data Visualization Project, membership growth and increased activity, US federal government policies and activities, upcoming fee changes, and ORCID US Community Awards. Materials from the meeting are available:
- Recording:
- Slides: 2022 Annual Meeting Slides
- Notes: 2022 ORCID US Community Annual Member Meeting
ORCID Data Visualization Project
From July-December 2022, the ORCID US Community partnered with Drexel University’s LEADING program (Library/Information Science (LIS) Education and Data Science Integrated Network Group), working with two fellows, Negeen Aghassibake and Olivia Given Castello, to produce a means for visualizing researcher publication collaborations based on data from ORCID records and Crossref DOI metadata. In the new year, all ORCID US Community member organizations will have access to an R script and Tableau Public dashboard template to visualize research collaborations at your own institution. An overview of this project was shared at our annual member meeting on December 6. Please standby for more details!
Fee Changes (2024)
Beginning January 1, 2024, the fee structure for ORCID US Community member organizations will be shifting to a tiered model based on the total annual budget for each member organization. The new fee model can be found on our ORCID US Community Membership page. We have created a Fee Change FAQ document to anticipate any questions about the shift, and we will be reaching out to all members with more information in January. In the meantime, please direct any additional questions to
US Federal Government Policies & Activities
Interest in ORCID has been increasing across the US federal government, specifically regarding research security, public access, and author identity management. Specific updates to note include:
- August 2022 - the White House Office of Science and Technical Policy (OSTP) released a memo on “Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research” reiterating that federal funding agencies should “instruct federally funded researchers to obtain a digital persistent identifier that meets the common/core standards of a digital persistent identifier service defined in the NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance” for inclusion in published research outputs.
- In December 2022, the National Science Foundation (NSF) released a Research Security Toolkit that mentions Digital Persistent Identifiers, with an overview of the Toolkit that references NSPM-33.
- We are anticipating federal funder policies and a revised SciENcv form for NSF and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to be released in early 2023 - stay tuned! For more information about NSPM-33 and how your organization can prepare, see our blog on NSPM-33 & ORCID: Information for Research Organizations.
ORCID API System Integration Updates
- DSpace version 7.3 and higher is now a certified ORCID service provider. For more information see the DSpace ORCID Integration documentation and review the materials from our November 2022 community call on the DSpace 7.3+ ORCID integration.
- The ORCID plugin for OJS (Open Journal System) now enables writing peer review activity to ORCID records, in addition to displaying author ORCID iDs and writing OJS publications to ORCID records.
ORCID US Community Awards
The ORCID US Community Awards encourage and provide recognition for participation, sharing, and achievements in the ORCID US Community. Beginning in 2023, we are making some changes to the award categories and will be announcing annual award winners at our annual members meeting in December of each year. Please take a look at our ORCID US Community Awards page for more information.
New Community Resources
ORCID US Community resources can be found on our Community Resources page and our Technical Support page. New resources include:
- Presentations:
- ORCID Workshop for Researchers - presented in October 25, 2022
- ORCID Workshop for Researchers - presented to members of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation in November 17, 2022
- Webinars:
- Community Calls:
- ORCID US Community Blog:
- Writing Data to ORCID Records via Custom ORCID Member API Integration
- NSPM-33 & ORCID: Information for Research Organizations
- MIT’s PhysioNet Platform Uses Trust Markers in ORCID Records to Streamline Data Access Credentials
- Streamlining Research Information Management with ORCID & Pure at RTI International (Research Triangle Institute)
Random “Coffee Breaks”
Since we have not been able to run into each other randomly at conferences and other in-person events lately, the ORCID US Community is now organizing “coffee breaks” for any community members who are interested in being randomly grouped with others to talk about ORCID and get to know each other throughout the year. If you would like to participate, please see the details and sign up.
Membership Updates
As of December 1, 2022 the ORCID US Community has reached 185 members (and growing) as the largest ORCID consortium in the world. Learn more about other ORCID consortia across the globe.
- See full list of ORCID US Community member institutions
New Members since July 2022:
- Breast Cancer Research Foundation
- Chapman University
- FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) - FASEB Joins ORCID Community to Advance Open Science and Research Integrity
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- Louisiana State University
- Northeastern University
- Sam Houston State University
- State University of New York (SUNY) Central/Research Foundation
- University of Central Florida
- University of New Mexico
- Vanderbilt University
- Vivli
Recommended Reading
- ORCID coverage in research institutions—Readiness for partially automated research reporting by Schnieders K, Mierz S, Boccalini S, Meyer zu Westerhausen W, Hauschke C, Hagemann-Wilholt S and Schulze S from Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 7:10
- How funding agencies can meet OSTP (and Open Science) guidance using existing open infrastructure by Pentz, Ed, and Ginny Hendricks of Crossref
- The disambiguation of people names in biological collections by Groom Q, Bräuchler C, Cubey RWN, Dillen M, Huybrechts P, Kearney N, Klazenga N, Leachman S, Paul DL, Rogers H, Santos J, Shorthouse DP, Vaughan A, von Mering S, Haston EM from Biodiversity Data Journal
- Unnecessary Research Bureaucracy is Killing Academic Productivity, But it IS Fixable by Jones, Phill from The Scholarly Kitchen Blog
Have you been involved in ORCID presentations or outreach activities lately? Do you have ORCID news that you’d like to share? Let us know so we can include you in the next newsletter: