The LYRASIS Nominating Committee is pleased to invite you to submit names of qualified candidates to be considered for the FY2019/2020 LYRASIS Board of Trustees. The Nominating Committee will recommend candidates for each of the following open positions on the FY2019/2020 ballot:
- Two (2) representatives from LYRASIS member state library agencies or group agents;
- One (1) representative from a LYRASIS member academic library; and
- One (1) representative from a LYRASIS member special library.
All potential member candidates must:
- Be affiliated with a LYRASIS member institution at a senior level, defined by LYRASIS’ Bylaws as a person in a position to have an influence on and/or implement relevant policies at that institution;
- Be at least 18 years of age;
- Have demonstrated skills relevant to the LYRASIS Board, such as leadership; knowledge of the library, archive and/or museum environment; the ability to engage constituents and business expertise;
- Be able to serve a three-year term.
Please contact for the Board Nomination Form.
If you are nominating another person, please obtain permission from that individual before submitting his or her name for consideration. Self-nominations are allowed. The Committee requests your nominations no later than May 24, 2019. The LYRASIS Nominating Committee will review submissions, make selections and announce the selected slate of candidates in May for the June Board election.