LYRASIS and the DSpace community are presenting an ongoing series of webinars focused on how DSpace is meeting the emerging needs of institutions around the world as they respond to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The webinars highlight examples of how DSpace repositories have quickly adapted to provide critical infrastructure required during this crisis: integrating DSpace with other platforms; strengthening Open Access; creating new research collections; engaging with off-campus users; supporting cultural heritage; enhancing user experiences; dealing with a high volume of access, and more.
The webinar series, “Repositories During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” is held each week on Thursday at 9AM EDT, 1:00 UTC. Translated recordings will be made openly available after each webinar. Registration information will be made available prior to each weekly webinar.
On May 14 The Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) a partner in the Covid-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO) Project will present an overview of how COSMO monitors
public perceptions of risk, behaviours, and public trust during the Pandemic. The resulting information is meant to enable government spokespeople, health organisations and the media to offer helpful knowledge to the public, and combat misinformation.
The platform for the publication of the national study protocols, research data, and analysis code is PsychArchives, the DSpace-based repository at ZPID. Peter Weiland, Research Associate in the Digital Research Development Services, will show how DSpace enabled The COSMO Project to implement a clear information structure in a very short time without introducing many changes to the source code. The presenter will also address the workarounds implemented because DSpace doesn’t support certain processes that were needed for the project.
We look forward to a lively discussion with the community!
To attend a webinar please register at
If you are interested in sharing your experiences by presenting a webinar, please sign up here.