Dr. Michael Conlon becomes the Emeritus Project Director
As the VIVO Emeritus Project Director Michael Conlon will remain active in the VIVO community. Read the full announcement here.
The Draft VIVO ontology is available for review
The VIVO Ontology Interest Group has a draft ontology available for review. The Language Ontology can be found here. It is a BFO-based, OBO-compliant, open ontology based on ISO-639-3 standards. The Language Ontology represents the 7861 languages of the ISO 639-3 standard and provides cross-linking to Library of Congress languages where available. The ontology also defines language capabilities using the Common European Framework. A small wiki in the repo documents design decisions, usage, and development and build processes. The ontology is designed for use in future versions of VIVO, but has no conflicts with the current VIVO ontology, and is free-standing—it can be used in other software and ontologies as well. Language capabilities have been translated into Italian, Spanish, French, German, and English. Some translations were provided by standards bodies and some were done by machine translation and could be improved. The Language Ontology should be considered an early draft.
All collaborators, comments, questions, concerns are very welcome. Please take a look.
There are two exciting new VIVO implementations from Florida International University (FIU) and the University of Milan.TheFIU announcement is here.
TheUniversity of Milan announcement is here.
VIVO Scholar is in development. Some components are available for curious developers. The announcement is here. More information is available on the VIVO Scholar Task Force wiki.