4Science is one of the main contributors to DSpace 7 development leading the REST API sub-group—a crucial effort on a very relevant and extensive piece of DSpace code, namely the new submission and workflow with the Angular UI. A tight schedule has been approved by community governance for the coming months. Collaboration with 4Science will be crucial as always to reach development goals.
Work on DSpace version 7 continues. in December and January the focus has been on key aspects such as security management, resource policy and access to features, authentication via Shibboleth, Angular update. DSpace-CRIS and DSpace-GLAM have not been left behind—they are ahead of schedule, We are finalizing the extensible and configurable layout of the DSpace-CRIS and DSpace-GLAM rich data model, updating the advanced integration with external providers such as Scopus and Web of Science, and re-egineering according to the new DSpace 7 architecture, the unique features that make DSpace-CRIS the platform of choice for so many institutions around the world: (https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACECRIS/DSpace-CRIS+Users).
The Technical University Hamburg (TUH) is funding part of the development for DSpace-CRIS 7, in order to accelerate progress and make it available for the community as soon as possible, including new exciting features. Thanks to the collaboration with the community of DSpace-CRIS users (https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACECRIS/New+Features).
4Science will review progress at the DSpace-Anwendertreffen 2020, to be held in Hamburg at the Technical University Hamburg (TUH) on March 26-27. The event is organized by the Hamburg University of Technology and The Library Code GmbH, and is focused on DSpace. A three-hour workshop will be offered at the DSpace-Anwendertreffen on DSpace-CRIS to enhance community knowledge and collaboration.Another chance to learn more about DSpace-CRIS/GLAM 7 will be at Open Repositories 2020 (https://or2020.sun.ac.za/) in Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 1-4, where 4Science is a main sponsor .We invite you to visit our exhibit and attend numerous presentations we are engaged in with our partners and clients (in review) to learn more about DSpace 7, DSpace-CRIS 7 and DSpace-GLAM 7.