Join us on Tuesday, September 11 at 3:00 pm ET to hear about one of our 2017 Catalyst Fund projects that is making a real difference in a community. The session will be only one hour, and will be a great opportunity to learn more about one of our very first supported projects. Mapping the Historic West End: Using Digital Resources to tell the Story of an African American Community
Detailed Description:
This class will show those interested in community history the results of a year-long effort to tell the story of an historic African American community in Charlotte through a digital mapping project. The James B. Duke Memorial Library at Johnson C. Smith University created a digital map using Historypin that centralized content including historical photographs, newspaper articles, and oral histories to document the Historic West End, a vibrant 150 year old African American community that surrounds the university on the west side of Charlotte, North Carolina.
The neighborhoods are currently faced with rising concerns of gentrification and social change, and the digital map brings resources from several institutions including university and public libraries, historic landmarks and planning departments, and West End community organizations like churches, neighborhood associations, and alumni groups to tell their stories. The class will show how other libraries, museums, community groups, or individuals can organize as well as create digital resources about their neighborhoods in a similar fashion.
Presented by Brandon Lunsford, Archivist at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte.