The ORCID US Community consortium is still growing strong! This is our sixth newsletter, featuring updates from across the community over the past 6 months. Past newsletters can be found in the ORCID US Community Blog. To contribute to future newsletters, please email Stay well!
Community Snapshot
- Member institutions = 150 (As of Jun. 1, 2021)
- ORCID API system integrations = 160 integrations across 104 member institutions, through which:
- 138,409 ORCID iDs have been connected with member organizations
- 40,484 ORCID records have been updated with:
- 26,146 affiliations
- 922,439 works
- 779 funding entries
- 4,503 person identifiers
- 3,482 websites
- ORCID US Community discussion forum = 393 participants from 142 member institutions
- @USconsortium on Twitter = 380 followers
ORCID US Community Award Winners
The ORCID US Community Awards encourage and provide recognition for participation, sharing, and achievements in the ORCID US Community. Our winners for 2020-2021 have been identified below. We will have another round of awards next year, with winners announced in May/June 2022; see award category details for more information.
Congratulations to this year’s Award Winners:
- “Most Active” individual = Christina Miskey, Scholarly Communication Librarian for Research Infrastructure at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with 2 posts in the discussion forum and 52 posts read this year!
- “Most Helpful” individual = Lauren Di Monte, Assistant Dean for Digital & Research Strategies at University of Rochester River Campus Libraries, nominated for sharing her experience with ORCID adoption at the University of Rochester.
- “Institutional Involvement” = Stanford University (for the third year in a row!) with 17 individuals plugged into the ORCID US Community discussion forum! Note: due to the logistical implications of this category (larger institutions have an advantage, since the larger the institution, the more people from that institution can participate in the discussion forum), we will retire this category for 2022.
- “Institutional Achievement” = the following member institutions have released custom ORCID integrations this year:
- California Digital Library – DMPTool (connects ORCID iD with researcher profiles)
- Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) – MediaWiki (login with ORCID)
- MIT – PhysioNet (connects ORCID iD with researcher profiles)
- Nemours Foundation – DE-CTR ACCEL (Accelerating Clinical and Translational Research) Project (connects ORCID iD with researcher profile)
- Pennsylvania State University – Researcher Metadata Database (writes employment and works to ORCID)
- University of Arizona – KMap 1 (includes ORCID iD and relevant ORCID data in institutional knowledge map)
- University of Washington – Department of Statistics (displays ORCID iD on faculty/staff profiles)
- Wayne State University – Wayne State directory (displays ORCID iD on individual profiles)
Random “Coffee Breaks”
Since we have not been able to run into each other randomly at conferences and other in-person events lately, the ORCID US Community is now organizing randomized “coffee breaks” for any community members who are interested in being randomly grouped with others to talk about ORCID and get to know each other throughout the year. If you would like to participate, please see the details and sign up.
Community Call: ORCID, DOIs, and Data Management Plans (June 15)
Join us on June 15 for a community conversation about ORCID, DOIs, and DMPs, featuring guest speakers from DataCite, the California Digital Library (DMP Tool), and Virginia Commonwealth University (see agenda).
- When: Tues. June 15 at 1-2pm Eastern/ 12-1pm Central/ 11am-12pm Mountain/ 10-11am Pacific
- Register to attend the Zoom call & get a calendar invite (call will be recorded)
Community Call: ORCID & DOIs: How they work better together (July 14)
Join us on July 14 for a community call recapping how ORCID and DOIs work better together. Attendees will be encouraged to share how they are using ORCID and DOIs in various local workflows. All questions are welcome! (see agenda)
- When: Wed. July 14 @ 2pm Eastern/ 1pm Central/ 12pm Mountain/ 11am Pacific
- Register to attend the Zoom call & get a calendar invite (call will be recorded)
Now Available: ORCID Affiliation Manager
The ORCID Affiliation Manager is a new online interface that allows ORCID member organizations to write relevant information to researchers’ ORCID records via CSV uploads or manual entry forms, starting with affiliation data (employment, education, qualifications, membership, service, invited positions, and distinctions). The Affiliation Manager is designed to help organizations add information to their affiliated researchers’ ORCID records right away, since planning for and implementing custom ORCID API integrations in local systems can sometimes take a long time. ORCID gave an overview of this tool (14:15-19:10) at their product interest group call in September 2020. Additionally, ORCID staff gave an overview of the new tool at the CNI spring 2021 meeting. If you are interested in using the Affiliation Manager at your organization, please contact
ORCID Plugin for OJS (Open Journal System)
If your organization is using OJS for open journal publishing, check out the new and improved documentation for implementing the ORCID Plugin for OJS. The plugin allows authors to connect their authenticated ORCID iD to their publications, displays ORCID iDs next to author names within OJS, and allows for works published via OJS to be automatically added to authors’ ORCID records. Don’t hesitate to contact with any questions!
Current Trends: ORCID Visibility in the Research Data Lifecycle
ORCID continues to gain increased visibility with regard to research data management and the wider landscape of FAIR principles and practices, notably:
- ORCID for Collaborative Research Support – In Sept. 2020, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) released a report on Implementing Effective Data Practices: Stakeholder Recommendations for Collaborative Research Support in which ORCID is mentioned multiple times as one of the five recommended persistent identifiers (PIDs) essential to enabling findability and connectivity across the research landscape.
- Supporting Public Access to Research Data – In April 2021, the Association of American Universities (AAU) and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) released a “Guide to Accelerate Public Access to Research Data,” designed to help “…facilitate adoption of new institutional policies, procedures, and approaches that actively support and promote research data sharing…” including use of persistent identifiers such as ORCID.
- US Federal Government Advancements – a few recent highlights:
- The National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) is working on a Preliminary Research Data Framework that includes recommendations for using ORCID.
- The White House has released a “Presidential Memorandum on United States Government-Supported Research and Development National Security Policy” notably indicating that policies are to be set requiring individuals working on federal research to use a “digital persistent identifier” (such as ORCID) to identify themselves.
- The Dept. of Energy Office of Scientific & Technical Information (DOE/OSTI) has implemented a “search and link wizard” for ORCID works.
- Improvements to the ORCID Record – So far in 2021, ORCID has added two new features to support broader usefulness and impact:
- Data Management Plans (DMPs) – ORCID now specifically includes DMPs as a work type in ORCID works.
- CRediT – The ORCID API now enables acknowledgement of CRediT contributions on specific works for authors and contributors.
New Community Resources
All ORCID US Community resources can be found on our Community Resources page and our Technical Support page. New resources added from January-June 2021 include:
- Webinars:
- Community Calls:
- ORCID US Community Blog:
2020 Member Survey Results
Many thanks to the 92 individuals who contributed to the survey results below, representing 81 ORCID US Community member institutions. Based on the survey responses received, our top priorities identified for 2021 include:
- More information about how ORCID & DOIs work together – Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) provide more benefits when used together; see above for information about our upcoming community call on this topic. Additionally, this year LYRASIS launched the LYRASIS DataCite US Community, a new consortium for non-profit US institutions interested in utilizing DataCite DOIs (learn more). Check out our two new videos that focus on both ORCID and DOIs:
- Intro to Persistent Identifiers (19 minutes)
- Data Interoperability with Persistent Identifiers (17 minutes)
- ORCID & Repositories – We recently published a blog outlining best practices for integrating ORCID with repositories, featuring exemplary case studies from the University of Virginia, Duke University, and Dryad Digital Repository.
- Hearing from more universities about what they are doing with ORCID – Check out our latest ORCID US Community Showcase webinar recording, featuring case studies from Rutgers University, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the University of Arizona’s Knowledge Map (KMap) project. Past showcase webinars can be found on our ORCID US Community Youtube channel, and additional examples can be found on our Exemplars page.
- Instruction on how to use R to find current researchers with ORCID iDs – Many thanks to Clarke Iakovakis at Oklahoma State University for leading us through a tutorial on how to use R scripting to search the ORCID registry for researchers affiliated with a specific organization (see notes & recording).
- ORCID & Faculty/Researcher Profiles – Stay tuned for a future community call on this topic!
- ORCID & Research Data Management – Join us on June 15 for a community call about ORCID, DOIs, and Data Management Plans (details above).
- ORCID & grants/funding workflows, Grant Identifiers, and Hearing from funders about what they are doing with ORCID – We are making plans to provide more information and resources related to these topics; please standby! In the meantime, check out the funders that are part of the ORCID US Community:
- ORCID & ROR (Research Organization Registry) – ORCID is currently working on integrating ROR IDs into ORCID metadata, at which point ROR will become the primary organization identifier to which other organization identifiers (Ringgold ID, GRID ID, etc.) will map to. Stay tuned for more information about this, coming soon! In the meantime, feel free to subscribe to ROR community updates to stay in the loop.
Membership Updates
As of June 1, 2021 the ORCID US Community has reached 150 members (and growing) as the largest ORCID consortium in the world. Learn more about other ORCID consortia across the globe.
- See full list of ORCID US Community member institutions
New Members since Dec. 2020:
- American Society of Plant Biologists
- American University
- Cedars Sinai Health System
- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Ohio University
- Rowan University
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
- Thomas Jefferson University
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
What else are members up to?
University of Cincinnati Libraries held a workshop on “Creating a Resume in RStudio using R-ORCID and the ORCID API”, led by Peace Ossom-Williamson, director of research data services and a health sciences liaison at The University of Texas at Arlington. By incorporating LaTex tools in R (TinyTex package), the rorcid package, and rmarkdown, participants learned to use the ORCID API so they could create a critical professional tool, the resume, based on the awesomecv template. For those interested, materials from the workshop are available:
- OSF viewable link to workshop materials – OSF | R and ORCID workshop
- Video – DSCC R-ORCID workshop – Facilitator Peace Ossom-Williamson-20210331 1401-1 – UC Libraries MediaSpace
University of Louisville will be working with ORCID US Community staff to hold an ORCID training workshop for their researchers on June 30.
Recommended Reading
- Strategies for promoting Open Access research data: Association of American Universities and Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (2021). Guide to Accelerate Public Access to Research Data. Washington, DC. DOI:
- Persistent Identifiers to Connect the Research Landscape: Cousijn, H., Braukmann, R., Fenner, M., Ferguson, C., van Horik, R., Lammey, R., Meadows, A., & Lambert, S. (2021). Connected Research: The Potential of the PID Graph. Patterns, (2.1). DOI:
- Case Study: ORCID Adoption at Florida State University: Grove, K., & Soper, D. (2021). Launching an Institutional ORCID Initiative at Florida State University. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (96). DOI:
Have you been involved in ORCID presentations or outreach activities lately? Do you have ORCID news that you’d like to share? Let us know so we can include you in the next newsletter: