LYRASIS is excited to announce a significant price reduction for storage fees in the DuraCloud Enterprise Chronopolis plan. The annual storage fee is now $300 per TB for up to 19 TB of storage, and $275 per TB for 20 or more TB of storage.
DuraCloud is an open source, hosted digital preservation storage service that has been helping institutions preserve 400+ TB of content in the cloud since 2009. The DuraCloud interface makes it easy to store content with expert cloud storage providers while adding the lightweight preservation storage features, such as regular content integrity checks, that are important to cultural heritage institutions.
The DuraCloud Enterprise Chronopolis plan gives your institution access to a TRAC-certified, nonprofit, geographically distributed preservation network. The Chronopolis Network infrastructure, development, and management is provided by multiple organizations, creating both a robust preservation environment and a sustainable organizational model.
The Enterprise Chronopolis plan is also an economical option for infrequently accessed digital content such as preservation master files, embargoed collections, and collections awaiting description.
Contact LYRASIS Digital Technology Services at digitalservices@lyrasis.org to learn more about DuraCloud and DuraCloud Enterprise Chronopolis.