In March 2022, LYRASIS hosted its first LYROpen Fair with three sessions addressing different aspects of the open content and open research infrastructure ecosystem. With 353 unique registrants representing 264 organizations from 10 countries, participants had the opportunity to engage with LYRASIS staff and member organizations as well as stakeholders in the open community.

Educational and outreach efforts to foster learning, and discussion about ongoing efforts surrounding open content and infrastructure, are key components of the LYRASIS Content and Scholarly Communication Initiatives (CSCI) team’s Values and Principles

The following highlights from each session include accompanying links to recordings for those who were unable to attend. Additionally, the LYROpen Fair website includes links to the recordings as well as session slides, handouts, and additional resources regarding open programs at LYRASIS.

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Session 1: Link it, Find it, Count it: Open Research Infrastructure Programs at LYRASIS


  • The IRUS (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics) US program provides platform independent COUNTER-conformant usage statistics for institutional repositories.
  • The LYRASIS DataCite US Community lowers the barrier of entry for organizations to start assigning DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to local materials, helping to make research and scholarly materials more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).
  • The ORCID US Community connects organizations and researchers across research infrastructure systems to save time and streamline workflows. 

Session 2: Exploring Open Content Revenue Models


  • Publishers use a variety of different business models to support open access publishing, often implementing more than one model simultaneously to capture enough funding to sustain their operations. An overview of a variety of revenue models for open access publishing was provided.
  • LYRASIS is taking a multi-pronged approach and seeking out open programs and publishers whose values align with ours and those in the library community we serve. An overview of open content programs administered by LYRASIS, describing the revenue models that support them was presented.
  • It is becoming easier for libraries to invest in open content. Libraries are finding ways to normalize the acquisitions of open access content and open programs. All the while, publishers are designing and implementing open content revenue models and transaction experiences that are aligned with normal library acquisitions workflows. 

Session 3: Evaluating and Supporting Open Content Programs


  • Kristen Sederstrom from the University of Kansas explained the values that help her institution evaluate OA programs, including a preference for non-APC programs.
  • Rachel Caldwell from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Robin Sinn from Iowa State University discussed their new evaluation initiative, the Library Partnership Certification for Journal Publishers.
  • Luke Vilelle from Hollins University outlined strategies to participate in OA initiatives at a small institution.