Lyrasis supports Open Access by providing a number of Open Access Programs for Lyrasis Members. Thanks to many of our partners, we have negotiated a number of offers just for you! Not a Lyrasis member yet? Ask us today how to join and gain Members benefits like Open Access programs, discounts on many products and services, and Member only programs like the Catalyst Fund, Lyrasis Learning and more.
Open Access Member Discounts
A collective-action approach to funding open access (OA) scholarly books. Bloomsbury seeks library support to open its 2024 African Studies and International Development frontlist of 20 titles. Institutions that invest in this pilot will also receive 12 months of gratis access to 194 backlist titles in these subjects. For 2023, library investments range from $650 to $1750.
Cambridge University Press Journals Read-and-Publish Agreement*
Expand your institution’s content access while supporting researchers and open access through an affordable partnership with one of the largest and oldest university presses in the world. Join this read-and-publish agreement to receive full access to paywalled volumes of Cambridge’s 400 journals, plus unlimited (with few exceptions) OA publishing by your corresponding authors.
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (University of Toronto Press)
This new peer-reviewed journal publishes timely evidence-based policy and economics research with a focus on urban climate action. Under its Subscribe to Open model, institutions subscribe to the journal and, once an annual subscription threshold is met, the volume year becomes available as OA. Institutions can subscribe to JCCPE in the amount of $285 to $715 per year.
This born-digital, fully open access scholarly press publishes books at no cost to authors. As a press aligned with the ethos and mission of liberal arts colleges, Lever Press publishes scholarship that emphasizes inter- and intradisciplinary innovation and draws upon new models of collaborative research. Institutional supporters cover publication costs and share in the governance of Lever Press. Levels of support range from $500 to $12,000/year.
The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is an open access, scholar-led, not-for-profit publisher of peer-reviewed journals in the humanities. The OLH relies on small annual contributions from hundreds of libraries and other funders to sustain itself without charging fees to authors or readers. Each pledging institution supports OLH to the tune of $1,018 to $2,583 per year.
Explore additional Open Access Programs supported by Lyrasis.
Only Lyrasis members are eligible to participate in this offer through Lyrasis.