What do Sandra Bullock and Martha Stewart have in common with LYRASIS?
Their yearbook photographs are part of the many collections that are freely accessible online thanks to the LYRASIS Digitization Collaborative.
Currently, more than 250 institutions, including many LYRASIS members, participate in the program. The LYRASIS Digitization Collaborative provides cost-effective digitization for materials such as bound books, newspapers, manuscripts, photographs, maps, microfiche, microfilm, audio, video, film and other large-format and loose materials.
A great way to start your digitization project is by attending one of our FREE information sessions. For a complete schedule of classes, and to register, visit here.
To learn more about the Digitization Collaborative, visit: http://www.lyrasis.org/digitize or contact Laurie Gemmill Arp, Director, Digitization and Preservation Services at laurie.arp@lyrasis.org