Join us for a live demo of SimplyE and Library Simplified hosted by LYRASIS and DPLA at ALA Annual in New Orleans.
LYRASIS Booth #1249
Friday, June 22 at 6 pm CT
Saturday, June 23 at 12 noon
Using SimplyE through DPLA and LYRASIS as your hosted and supported eBook Service helps you:
- Increase your library’s impact on emerging readers, raise their reading levels and improve educational outcomes in your community by installing an easy to use, easy to maintain, field tested mobile app.
- Eliminate fees to large, for-profit platforms all while boosting circulation through active librarian curation by exposing available library picks, normalizing discovery of e-content across multiple sources and including open content.
- Simplify management by giving your users easy, seamless, one-click mobile access regardless of their original eBook source.