During this year’s Leaders Circle meeting, we introduced a new feature, the LYRASIS Research Initiative, designed to give you an active voice in the work that LYRASIS will be conducting over the coming year. The goal is to create both sharable data and a white paper on issues of concern for the wider community. It was determined by the Leaders Circle members in attendance that Scholarly Publishing and Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion (DEAI) are the topics LYRASIS will explore in the coming year.
The methodology for this research will begin with community-wide surveys, as modeled in this year’s Accessibility Report, and will then result in white papers and open data that will be shared in the summer. Along the way, we are planning to incorporate these research topics in LYRASIS events, such as the regional Leaders Forums (dates and locations will be announced soon).
Having research focuses is a new experiment this year and we are excited to embark on this journey with all of you. If you have any questions or would like to be more involved, please reach out to Robert Miller directly or to Hannah Rosen, who will be running the research initiatives.
The Leaders Circle is committed to taking on the major challenges of the day collaboratively and to helping you lower the risk of innovation by working together with LYRASIS as your partner.
About the Leaders Circle
This is our forward looking, think tank group of members who are early adopters, not content to wait for change to come to them, but want to be part of the change. Leaders Circle members are committed to helping build sustainable programs, services and solutions by establishing standards, fair pricing and governance that will impact the broader community. This group meets in person once a year, but is regularly engaged with the work that is underway. Leaders Circle membership is open to all existing LYRASIS members.
For general questions about the Leaders Circle please contact Jennifer Bielewski, Community Engagement Manager.