A brief demo of an early build of the Fedora 6 application is available. This demo shows how Container resources can be created using the REST API, with the corresponding data being written to disk as Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) Objects. A testable version of Fedora 6 with this functionality included will be available in January, at which point we will invite community members to test the application and provide feedback on the functionality.
The demo video is here.
We would like to thank all of the community contributors for their efforts on the code sprints and for their continued engagement throughout the year:
- Danny Bernstein, LYRASIS
- Aaron Birkland, Johns Hopkins University
- Peter Eichman, University of Maryland
- Dan Field, National Library of Wales
- Remigiusz Malessa, National Library of Wales
- Ben Pennell, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Mohamed Mohideen Abdul Rasheed, University of Maryland
- Bethany Seeger, Amherst College
- Jared Whiklo, University of Manitoba
- Peter Winckles, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Andrew Woods, LYRASIS