We are thrilled to announce that the 2020 LYRASIS Catalyst Fund application cycle is now open and we are accepting proposals and ideas now through February 20, 2020. The Catalyst Fund is an award program to test and try new ideas and innovative projects submitted by LYRASIS members. 2020 applications will be reviewed by librarians, archivists and museum professionals during March and April with recipients announced in June 2020. Only LYRASIS Members (which now includes DuraSpace members) may apply for the Catalyst Fund.
Criteria for Consideration
All proposals and ideas should be innovative concepts that stimulate creativity and serve the broad interests of the LYRASIS membership. Click to view the criteria used by the Leaders Circle for consideration and selection of projects to fund.
Not ready to apply this year? Then Become a Reviewer!Are you a critical thinker interested in contributing to innovation within the library, archives and museum communities? If so, please consider sharing your knowledge, expertise and experience by reviewing applications to the Catalyst Fund. Reviewers will rate applications and provide feedback for consideration by the Leaders Circle in making the final selections.
Learn more about the Catalyst Fund
Join us for Catalyst Fund: The Application Process & Overview Webinar, a free webinar on January 15 about the Catalyst Fund and how to apply.
More questions? Email us at catalystfund@lyrasis.org