Join us for the first of our virtual Leaders Circle series Leadership During Crisis, Leadership in the New Now on May 28, noon ET
If we go by the wisdom of leading experts in strategy and innovation [1] we know organizations that invest in future initiatives and innovation during a downturn are more resilient. We’re seeing evidence of this approach in the outreach LYRASIS is doing with its members all while they face unprecedented budget cuts. Reports from recent roundtable discussions for Academic Library leaders support this. A summary of the roundtable stated: “Several directors expect that the current situation will provide an opportunity for moving forward with the strategic directions they had always planned or at least hoped to pursue” [2]. One of the tech industry’s most impressive figures, Andy Grove, former chairman and CEO of Intel, famously said “Bad companies are destroyed by crisis, Good companies survive them, Great companies are improved by them” [3]. It’s in this spirit of supporting leaders in our field to make the most of this terrible situation that we convene our first online Leaders Forum.
This Forum will create a venue for leaders to discuss the outcomes they want to see as a result of the current changes and uncertainty in libraries, archives, and museums. Leaders Circle members will be invited to send two representatives to participate in the discussion.
Our speakers for our first online Forum are:
- Timothy Cherubini, Executive Director, Chief Officers of State Library Agencies,
- Tony Zanders, Founder and CEO of Skilltype,
- Yolanda Cooper, Dean and University Librarian for Emory University.
Our speakers will kick off the discussion with insights from their organizations. The event will have an abbreviated format of 45 mins with a focus on breakout discussions with peers. To register, contact
After the online event, participants will be encouraged to create their own videos or continue the discussion on the new Leaders Circle listserv. Click to sign up for the listserv.