Recent news and updates from Atm†ire, a DSpace Service Provider and Certified DSpace Partner.

  • An overview of how the first international platform dedicated to open access books Academic Open Access book platform OAPEN migrated to DSpace. Read more
  • A recording of a recent webinar focused on DSpace batch editing. Read more
  • This webinar recording offers tips and tricks about how to use and interpret DSpace usage data in Google Analytics. Read more
  • Are you interested in lowering thresholds to access DSpace content? If you are dealing with bitstreams under embargo, request a copy,  and metadata-only items this webinar recording may be of interest to you. Read more
  • Institutions world wide share Open Access research in the fight against COVID19 through a DSpace COVID19 subject repository. Read more 
  • A look at DSpace repository features facilitating fast and effective dissemination of medical research. Read more