Fedora 6.0 was released in July 2021 and marked the largest major release of the open-source repository software since Fedora 4 in 2018. With Fedora 6.0 out the door, the Program Team, in collaboration with Fedora Governance, began strategic planning to establish priorities for Fedora’s future. One of the outputs of the planning phase was the formation of the Technology Working Group, which was responsible for identifying possible technical projects that would serve the global community of users. As a community-focused program, gathering feedback and understanding all users is part of Fedora DNA, so it was critical to the Program Team and stakeholders to involve the entire community in decisions surrounding future priorities.
The Fedora Program Team, in collaboration with the community’s Technology Working Group, designed a project to understand the specific Fedora-related priorities of using institutions. The project also sought to understand the capacity and available resources of both individuals and institutions to contribute to the Fedora community between 2024 and 2026. They collaborated with the Research and Innovation Division at Lyrasis to survey Fedora users. Responses were collected between November 2023 and January 31, 2024, and analyzed by Leigh A. Grinstead, Senior Digital Services Consultant from Lyrasis, an independent, nonprofit research group.
A list of highlights:
- Thoughtful and insightful comments on institutional ability to participate in development efforts over the next 18-24 months.
- Survey results that will be used to establish a community-built roadmap for Fedora’s future which involves both developmental and non-technical engagement opportunities.
- Global representation from using institutions in survey results
“This survey project gave Fedora an opportunity to pause, reflect and make strategic decisions about the future technological roadmap for the program that will allow them to invest their time and resources wisely in the coming months and years ahead. It will be exciting to see where this leads.” Leigh A. Grinstead
Lyrasis Research & Innovation
The Research & Innovation division at Lyrasis has written open access publications intended to provide our members with information impacting libraries, archives, museums and complementary research communities. These publications focus on industry trends, peer activities and organizational problem solving. Please visit our Institutional Repository to see more survey reports like this one, grant reports, Catalyst Fund documentation and more, all openly available to both Lyrasis members and the wider community.
About Fedora
Fedora is a sustainable open-source repository system underpinning many types of digital libraries and archives. It’s designed to store, manage and preserve digital content. Fedora is particularly well-suited for institutions such as libraries, universities, research centers and museums that need to preserve and provide access to their digital collections.
Fedora has a worldwide installed user base, with over 300 known installations. Its global users represent academic and cultural heritage organizations, universities, research institutions, university libraries, national libraries and government agencies.
The Fedora project is led by the Fedora Governance Group and is under the stewardship of the Community Supported Technologies and Hosting Services Division at Lyrasis.
About Lyrasis
Lyrasis is a community-supported membership organization whose mission is to support enduring access to the world’s shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage through leadership in open technologies, content services, digital solutions and collaboration with archives, libraries, museums and knowledge communities worldwide.