Lyrasis is attending Open Repositories in Somerset West, South Africa June 12-14, 2023. Lyrasis is a nonprofit serving the needs and communities of libraries, archives and museums. With a rich, long history of providing support and governance within open source development and hosted services, Lyrasis is the organizational home to DSpace, Fedora and VIVO.

While at OR2023, connect with us to register your DSpace, Fedora, and or VIVO instance. Speak with us about becoming a member and how your membership funds fuels development and sustainability. Meet our DSpace and VIVO Outreach representative Michele Mennielli and Fedora developer, Dan Field. Most of all, engage with hundreds of DSpace, Fedora, and VIVO users across the globe. Have a great OR2023!


The DSpace Program is fostered by its global community of over 3000 users for over 20 years. Representatives from member organizations plan, implement, develop, and sustain DSpace with input from community groups. Last year, with a global effort, the DSpace community released its largest release yet, DSpace 7. Learn more about the upcoming newest release, DSpace 7.6, the community, and how to become a member.

DSpace Annual Report


Upcoming DSpace 7.6 Release Notes





Fedora is a robust, modular, open source repository middleware for the management and dissemination of digital content. It is especially suited for digital libraries and archives, both for access and preservation. It is also used to provide specialized access to very large and complex digital collections of historic and cultural materials as well as scientific data. Fedora has a worldwide installed user base that includes academic and cultural heritage organizations, universities, research institutions, university libraries, national libraries, and government agencies. Learn more about Fedora, it's community and how you can support future developments of Fedora.

Fedora Annual Report


Fedora Membership Flyer





VIVO is an open source software and an ontology for representing scholarship.  VIVO supports recording, editing, searching, browsing, and visualizing scholarly activity. VIVO encourages showcasing the scholarly record, research discovery, expert finding, network analysis, and assessment of research impact.  Content in a VIVO installation may be maintained manually,  brought into VIVO in automated ways from local systems of record, such as HR, grants, course, and faculty activity databases, or from database providers such as publication aggregators and funding agencies. VIVO is funded and supported by it's community. Learn more about VIVO and how to become a member.

VIVO Annual Report


About VIVO





Lyrasis is an innovative full-service technology and services nonprofit whose mission is to support enduring access to our shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage for archives, libraries, museums and research communities. With more than 80 years of experience, Lyrasis offers technologies, services and special programs designed by and for knowledge professionals and brings together more than 2000 collections-holding organizations worldwide for collaboration, innovation and scale. Lyrasis merged with DuraSpace in 2019, and is now the home for all DuraSpace projects and services including DSpace, Fedora, Vivo and the hosted services DSpaceDirect and DuraCloud.

Lyrasis Content and Service Provider Partners


Lyrasis Learning


Lyrasis Open Access Community Investment Program


Lyrasis Booklet


About Lyrasis