Launched in January 2021, as a consortium for any non-profit in the US looking to get started with DataCite DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers), the Lyrasis DataCite US Community is dedicated to supporting open research infrastructure and best practices for making research and scholarly materials more FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. This is the second annual newsletter for the Lyrasis DataCite program.
Community Snapshot
- Participating organizations = 22
- DOIs registered to date = 50,299
- Top DOI resource types:
- Text
- Image
- Audiovisual
- Dataset
- Participating organizations as of June 1, 2023 include:
- Brandeis University
- Brown University
- CyVerse
- Dauphin Island Sea Lab - Marine Environmental Science Consortium
- Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
- Florida State University
- Georgetown University
- Georgia State University
- Institute for Advanced Study
- Lyrasis
- North Dakota State University
- Phoenix Bioinformatics
- Rockefeller University
- RTI International
- The Cancer Imaging Archive
- Trenholm State Community College
- University of Alabama
- University of Delaware
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Tampa
- University of Wyoming
- Wake Forest University
Upcoming Events
July 6: Community Call - Best Practices for Data Citation
- When: Thurs. July 6, 2023 @ 12-1pm Eastern/ 11am-12pm Central/ 10-11am Mountain/ 9-10am Pacific
- Register to attend
- Agenda: On this call, our guest speaker Iratxe Puebla, Director of the Make Data Count initiative, will share best practices, opportunities, and challenges surrounding data citation, followed by discussion and Q&A.
September 12: Community Call - DataCite API
- When: Tues. Sept. 12 at 3pm Eastern, 2pm Central, 1pm Mountain, 12pm Pacific
- Register to attend
- Agenda: On this call, we will cover the basics and benefits of using the DataCite API, including the different software platforms that are integrated with the API. Plenty of time for discussion and questions!
Community Resources
The Lyrasis DataCite US Community provides opportunities for engagement via community calls, webinars, written resources, and networking with a national and international community of practice for DOIs and other persistent identifiers. The following resources and more can be found on our website:
Educating Researchers about DOIs:
- Blog: Educating Researchers about DOIs
- One-pager: DOIs 101 for Researchers
Case Studies:
- 2023 Showcase featuring the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (US), the University of British Columbia (Canada), The Cancer Imaging Archive (US), and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada Federated Research Data Repository (Canada)
- 2022 Showcase featuring Scholars Portal (Canada), University of Tampa (US), Bank of Canada (Canada), CyVerse (US)
Select Community Call Topics:
- Institutional Repository Usage Statistics (IRUS), ORCID, and DOIs (Feb. 1, 2023)
- DataCite DOI Metadata & Discoverability (Sept. 14, 2022)
- DataCite Commons (Sept. 27, 2021)
- ORCID & DOIs: How they work better together (July 14, 2021)
- ORCID, DOIs, and Data Management Plans (June 15, 2021)
Webinar recordings:
- Open Infrastructure for Gauging Activity and Impact (April 26, 2023)
- Link it, Find it, Count it: Open Research Infrastructure Programs at Lyrasis (March 24, 2022)
- Introducing the Lyrasis DataCite US Community (April 22, 2021)
Communication Channels:
- LyrDataCite members-only listserv
- Twitter: @USDOIconsortium
DataCite Resources & News
- DataCite News Highlights from the DataCite Blog:
- 2023 Roadmap:
- DataCite Trainings:
- Metadata: Part 1 and Part 2
- Fabrica & DataCite Commons
- DataCite API
2022 Member Survey Results
In the fall of 2022, a brief survey was sent out to all participating organizations to gather feedback on the types of resources and topics of interest for priority focus in 2023. For 2022, we received responses representing 15 of the 20 participating organizations at that time. Responses from that survey have been used to plan our 2023 community activities (see below). We will continue to survey participating organizations at the end of each calendar year to prepare for the following year - stay tuned for the 2023 survey later this year!
Top five most helpful resources/events in 2022:
- One-pager: DOIs 101 for Researchers (53%)
- Community Call: DataCite DOI Metadata & Discoverability (40%)
- Community Call: DOIs and FAIRness (33%)
- Community Call: DOIs, Research Data Management, and Data Management Plans (33%)
- Blog: Educating Researchers about DOIs (26%)
Top five topics of interest for further discussion:
- Discoverability of DataCite DOIs and Metadata (53%)
- Best practices for data citation (46%)
- DataCite REST API (40%)
- DataCite metadata schema (40%)
- Educating Researchers about DOIs (40%)
Desired community activities for 2023:
- Community calls - presentations and discussion on specific DOI-related topics (60%)
- DOI case studies (53%)
- Campaigns to advocate for DOI API integration (33%)
- Breakout discussions (13%)
- Social activities (6%)
Level of satisfaction with the Lyrasis DataCite US Community program (on a scale of 1-5):
- Rating = 5 - very satisfied (33.3%)
- Rating = 4 - mostly satisfied (33.3%)
- Rating = 3 - neutral (33.3%)
For questions or to contribute to future Lyrasis DataCite US Community newsletters, please contact