Librarians and information professionals face a complex array of opportunities to invest in open content and infrastructure while simultaneously maintaining more traditional subscription and toll-based content and access avenues.
It can be challenging to evaluate and understand the ways in which open research infrastructure programs intersect with content. Moreover, revenue models that support open content continue to evolve as do the open content programs themselves. Professionals in our fields have to juggle competing priorities for limited funds, so awareness of the general open content and infrastructure scholarly communication landscape becomes evermore critical.
In an ongoing effort to help create greater awareness and develop programming that supports the LYRASIS Content and Scholarly Communication Initiatives (CSCI) team’s Values and Principles, CSCI is hosting the LYROpen Fair 2022. We invite LYRASIS members and the wider gallery, library, archives, and museum (GLAM) community at large to register for one or more of the following sessions and join our LYROpen listserv to stay abreast of future activities. The session speakers will be a mix of internal LYRASIS professionals and LYRASIS member libraries sharing institutional experiences.
Session 1: March 24 – Link it, Find it, Count it: Open Research Infrastructure Programs at LYRASIS
- Thursday, March 24 at 1-2pm Eastern
- Details and Registration
- Join us for a tour of three consortial programs designed to lower the barrier of participation for all libraries to use open research infrastructure best practices and shared standards: the ORCID US Community (for the Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier), the LYRASIS DataCite US Community (for Digital Object Identifiers – DOIs), and the IRUS US Community (for Institutional Repository Usage Statistics).
Session 2: March 29 – Exploring Open Content Revenue Models
- Tuesday, March 29 at 11-12pm Eastern
- Details and Registration
- This session will explore the myriad models for supporting open publications, including the difference between green, gold and diamond OA, Subscribe to Open, Opening the Future, and transformative agreements, as well as an overview of the models currently supported through LYRASIS Open initiatives and ways to get involved.
Session 3: March 31 – Evaluating and Supporting Open Content Programs
- Thursday, March 31 at 12-1pm Eastern
- Details and Registration
- During this session speakers from different sized institutions will discuss how they evaluate and advocate for financially supporting open content initiatives
- There will also be an overview of which initiatives are currently being offered through LYRASIS
As GLAM professionals well know, the one constant in our profession is change, and the paradigm shift from closed to open is at once exciting and overwhelming. A bedrock principle for the CSCI team and LYRASIS as a whole is that we can accomplish more together than alone. Together, we can meet the challenges of this shift by creating spaces to learn, understand, and ultimately, to transform the scholarly communication and research ecosystem.